April 2020 Coronavirus/Covid-19 Update

Hey Revolution Family!  We’ve been cooped up with coronavirus for the second half of March so far, and while uncertainty can be intimidating, it is part of a new reality we have to live in.  We don’t know exactly when training will go back to normal, but we are using this down time in order to provide fun and useful content to you, the students of the gym, with daily solo drills releases, hilarious Q&A sessions with students and instructors in the Facebook members’ group, and a constant stream of updates on our website and social media.  We also took the time to deep-clean the gym, and are continuing to improve internal business processes behind the scenes.  In other words, we’ll be ready to return full speed ahead. If you are a member of the gym and are not already a member of the gym’s private FB group, reach out to Daniel directly over on Facebook.

It seems inevitable that we’ll need to stay closed for the month of April 2020 at a minimum.  After hearing first hand stories from our ER doctor and medical personnel friends on the front lines, we realize full well that we are in the middle of a once-in-a-generation battle, this time to flatten the curve of a rapidly spreading virus so our hospital system isn’t overwhelmed. Because of your thoughtful patience in dealing with this and observing social distancing, we can all get through this much faster.  If you’re a paying member of the gym, you simply won’t be billed until we are open for business once again.  We are all in this together, and we’re certain that we can come out on the other side of this much stronger.

As always, if you have questions or concerns. Daniel is the key point of contact here. His email address is daniel@revolutionbjj.com, and you can call us at (804) 657-7461.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We’ll see out out on the virtual mats tomorrow!

Contact Us

Revolution BJJ
2125 Staples Mill Road
Richmond VA 23230
(804) 657-7461
Request Info


Revolution BJJ's Facebook page
