February: Passing the Guard (and amazing new facility!)

February marks the return of an old familiar (incredibly important) theme to the classes at Revolution BJJ:  passing the guard!  Come join us for an intensive study of very common, high percentage passing scenarios.  Establish a dominant position so that you can control the position and finish the fight!  Time to stop being frustrated by grips from the guard and learning to love dominating the guard for a change!

BJJ Fundamentals:  8 week intro program is wrapping up in March.  We’ll be kicking off a new 8 week intro program for Muay Thai Kickboxing beginning on March 5th.  Reserve your spot now if you’re interested and if you’ve never trained with us before. The 8 week session is only $49!

Contact Us

Revolution BJJ
2125 Staples Mill Road
Richmond VA 23230
(804) 657-7461
Request Info


Revolution BJJ's Facebook page
