June Update

As more time has passed, we are beginning to be able to formulate a better idea of what reopening might look like for us. Unfortunately, we’re still unsure as to when exactly that might be. Nevertheless, having some idea of a phased reopening plan has been extremely helpful for us to think through as owners. We can see that there’s no way for us to safely open up for even solo training with social distancing during the month of June, but there’s a silver lining for us:
We’ve started doing regular weekly Adult BJJ classes via Zoom!!!
Many of you have offered to support us while the gym is closed and we’re not collecting tuition (although rent and other bills are still rolling in), but we’ve never felt comfortable about taking in money without giving something of value in return. We now think we’ve come up with something that will work: namely, online classes with a regular, recurring schedule:
  • Tuesday at 6 PM:  BJJ Partner Class (30 minutes)
  • Wednesday at 6 PM:  Solo Drills Class (20 minutes)
  • Thursday at 6 PM:  BJJ Partner Class (30 minutes)
  • Saturday at 11 AM:  Conditioning (30 minutes)

Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 PM, we’re going to have partner classes: if you have a training partner at home, you can tune in for a 30 minute technique-only class. The focus will be exclusively on ground work, skipping the takedown portion to account for limited space and safety. If you don’t have a partner and want to participate, you might be able to get some value out of training with a grappling dummy.
Wednesday’s Solo Drills class (also at 6 PM) will involve fundamental jiu jitsu movements, with context provided – why you’re doing these movements and how you might use them.  It’s definitely a workout, but it’s also a way to improve your technique.

Saturday’s Conditioning class is a fantastic, brisk workout you can do by yourself.

Please reach out to Daniel directly for help getting signed up.
Here is some additional helpful information regarding the Tues/Thurs classes:
  • Class will start promptly at 6 PM and will be in the Gi
  • If you don’t have one already, you will need to create your own Zoom account
  • Zoom link for these classes will be sent out to you via email
  • These classes are open to Revolution BJJ HQ and Revolution BJJ Ashland students
We’re also working on the possibility of adding Muay Thai and kids’ classes, so hang in there. We appreciate all of your support during this difficult time and look forward to seeing you on the mats via video soon!
Don’t forget that BJJ Path is free for you to access during this time.  Just create an account if you don’t already have one, and enjoy.  If you are a member of the gym and are not already a member of the gym’s private FB group, reach out to Daniel directly over on Facebook.

Thank you for your continued patience in dealing with this, continuing to observe social distancing, and ultimately reducing the amount of time we will need to do this. We are all in this together, and we’re certain that we can come out on the other side of this much stronger.

As always, if you have questions or concerns. Daniel is the key point of contact here. His email address is daniel@revolutionbjj.com, and you can call us at (804) 657-7461.Thank you for your patience and understanding. We’ll see you out on the virtual mats tomorrow!


Contact Us

Revolution BJJ
2125 Staples Mill Road
Richmond VA 23230
(804) 657-7461
Request Info


Revolution BJJ's Facebook page
