New Weapons Class Available on Sunday Mornings

From the instructor, Kris Rhodes:


Martial Blade Concepts/MBC is a system of self-defense designed to teach you how to fight effectively with a knife.  Counter Blade Concepts/CBC teaches empty hand defense against knife attacks.  The five concepts below summarise the philosophy of MBC/CBC.

1.  We train to stop an attack not kill.

2.  Cut Structural Targets to disable an attacker (stop the threat).

3.  Commonality of Technique

4.  5 Areas of Attack
5.   “You don’t have to fight like me you just have to win.” –Michael Janich


Kris Rhodes is a 20 year veteran of the martial arts and is the founder of Kris Rhodes Practical Weapon Combatives. He has studied Karate and Hsing-I Kung Fu, as well as Pa Kua Kung Fu and Sayas Lastra Arnis under Glenn Moore.  Kris is a Police Officer who has used his martial arts skills in real world situations, and is a Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services Certified General Instructor and Defensive Tactics Instructor, as well as, being a Certified Monadnock Baton Instructor.  Recently, Kris went to Colorado and tested with Michael Janich for Proficiency and Associate Instructor in Martial Blade Concepts (MBC) and Counter Blade Concepts ( and is the only Associate Instructor of MBC/CBC in the South Eastern United States.  Kris’s philosophy towards combat is, “if it works; use it” or as Michael Janich says, “You don’t have to fight like me you just have to win.”  Kris will be teaching MBC/CBC at Revolution BJJ, in Richmond, VA, on Sunday mornings from 8-10 and is available for private lessons.  If you are interested in training MBC/CBC contact Kris at, discount for Law Enforcement and Active Duty Military.